Resiliency through quality, widely accessible out of school time programs.
The Out of School Time Collaborative (OST) is a partnership of community groups, community leaders, service delivery agencies, local institutions, and Edmonton citizens that have been working together since 2008. The OST Collaborative began in response to concerns raised by immigrant and refugee families and community groups regarding the increased need for specific supports and programs for their children and youth when they are not in school. The OST has evolved and expanded its focus to include out of school time programs and supports for immigrant and refugee children and youth as well as all children and youth experiencing social vulnerability.
Since 2015, REACH Edmonton has provided full time coordination and backbone support for the OST Collaborative. The Coordinator supports the OST partner organizations with their organizational and program development needs through training opportunities including the annual OST Conference in June.
The OST Steering Committee acts as a steering committee to monitor and guide the overall OST strategy and secure funding sources.
- Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
- Boys and Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area (BGCBigs)
- City of Edmonton
- Council for the Advancement of African Canadians
- Edmonton Catholic School District
- Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
- Edmonton Public Schools
- REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities
- United Way of the Alberta Capital Region
The OST Gathering is a collective of OST members who meet regularly throughout the year to explore top of mind OST issues like capacity building, mobilizing funding and collaboration. OST Gathering meetings become great opportunities for members to better acquant themselves with the OST community and understand what the emerging needs of families and youth are.
- Action for Healthy Communities
- Africa Centre
- Alberta Recreation and Parks Association
- Alliance Jeuness Famille De l'Alberta Society
- Anishnawbe Giikenimowgaywin
- BGCBigs
- Bent Arrow
- Butler Family Foundation
- C5 Edmonton
- Canada Mentoring Partnership
- Canadian Native Friendship Centre
- Catholic Social Services
- City of Edmonton
- Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord Project Espoir
- Creating Hope Society
- DiscoverE
- E4C
- Edmonton Catholic School District
- Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
- Edmonton Immigrant Services Association
- Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
- Edmonton Public Library
- Edmonton Public School Board
- Edmonton Sport Council
- Eureka Tutorial Institute
- Ever Active Schools
- Family Futures Resource Network
- Free Play for Kids
- Hope Mission
- Hope for Tomorrow's Shade Association
- Horn Youth Services Foundation - Kulan
- Islamic Family Social Services Association
- Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women
- John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights
- Kids Up Front
- Kids on Track
- Multicultural Health Brokers
- Northern Alberta YMCA
- Partners for Humanity
- REACH Edmonton
- Right 2 Succeed
- Riverbend Rocks
- Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton
- Sihle-Sizwe Vineyard Organization
- Sinkunia Community Development Org.
- SkillCity Institute
- Somali Bantu Jareer Weyne Society of Alberta
- Somali Canadian Cultural Society of Edmonton
- Alberta Immigrant Women & Children Centre
- Sudanese Cultural League of Edmonton
- Sudanese Nuer Tiang Cultural Society
- TCLI Foundation
- The Duke of Edinbugh's International Award
- The Family Centre
- The Today Centre
- Uncles & Aunts at Large
- United Way
- Wild Outside Youth program
- YWCA Edmonton
Annual reports are developed to showcase and keep track of the OST Collaborative’s work. These annual reports include program descriptions, youth participation, funding allocation and community feedback. If you would like to learn more about the impacts of the OST Collaborative please contact Sofia Alani at [email protected]
OST 2019 Annual Report - Download
OST 2018 Annual Report - Download
IN 2017, REACH Edmonton, on behalf of the OST Collaborative, collaborated with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to develop the Bridging Together Initiative.
Bridging Together is a partnership of Edmonton community groups, community leaders, service delivery agencies, and local institutions whose mission is to empower immigrant and refugee children and youth who are new to Canada to integrate into Canadian society by providing culturally appropriate after-school and summer programs.
Bridging Together Final Report Summary - Download
Bridging Together Full Evaluation - Download
Sofia Alani, OST Project Coordinator
[email protected]