2020 OST Conference
Helping Summer Programs Excel
Keynote Speech by Doug Gleddie and Hayley Morrison
Moving with Purpose: For Kids, For You, For Your Program!
Description: It seems like almost daily we hear that kids should move more and sit less. Often the reasons given are for health or academic success. Is that it? No. There IS more - much MORE! Physical activity is not only important for kids, it’s also a critical element for you and your program. Come move and learn together (virtually!) as we explore the idea of joyful, purposeful movement.

2019 OST Conference
Helping Summer Programs Excel
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Gale Gorke
Dr. Gale Gorke has been a public school educator nearly 40 years, teaching at both the elementary and secondary levels. She currently is the Executive Director of Kids Kan Inc., an organization that specializes in staff development, activity selection and program implementation. Gale has served as an adjunct professor for several universities.
Breakout Sessions:
- Handling Disclosures
- Behaviour Management
- Games and Activities on Self Regulation
- Exploring Adaptive Physical Activity Strategies
- Sharing Circles
- Homework Clubs for Newcomers
- Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation
- Bullying and Anger Management
- Engaging ELL Youth in Literacy Activities

2018 OST Conference
Helping Summer Programs Soar
Keynote Speaker: Jane Erdman
You can play any game, in any culture, with any child, and it does not matter if it is right or wrong, as long as it's fun. Right?! We learn from a young age how important play is and as we grow older, our idea of play morphs into its own being. Some of us take the competitive side of play, or the logical, maybe you stick to what you know, or maybe you are all about trying something new or inventing forms of play. Understanding how to cultivate true play in our spaces is what will help you to create lasting memories and make an impact on younger generations.
Breakout Sessions:
- Geek Out with Edmonton Public Library to Spark Up Summer Programs
- Handling Disclosures
- Back Pocket Games
- Behavior Management
- Enhancing Social and Emotional Well-Being through Daily Physical Activity
- Daily Physical Activity on a Shoestring Budget
- JUMP Math: Numeracy Activities
- Sharing Circles